No word yet whether the autographs will be stickers or on card, but each player will have just 25 copies of the autographed version. These cards are sure to be hot just like the players themselves. Darvish is curently 1-0 after two starts with a 4.76 ERA while Cespedes has belted 3 homers and knocked in 7 RBIs.

These cards are sure to drive up the prices of Golden Giveaway codes, so get them before the price goes through the roof. I personally have 11 coming in that I will recap in my next post. Good luck to anyone chasing these rare Golden Givaway cards!
I'm guessing by the mock-up designs that they'll be good ol' stickers.
ReplyDeleteMe darvish? No, Yu Darvish!
Yeah, most likely stickers. To be honest, the autos look like they were hastily thrown on there and they almost blend into the picture. I would prefer if they had a faded area for the signature like in their chrome products. However, I still have hope that they could be on card, but deep down I know they won't be.