Three relics, kind of dissapointing, especially because 2 of them are Yankees. I was hoping for a nice auto, or a rip card. I guess I just don't have very good luck.

Here are a couple of regular minis.

Wait, they aren't regular minis. One is a ginter code mini, and the other is a Bazooka back. The code mini used to sell for $100+ before the code was solved. Now it sells for a astonishing $2-3. The Bazooka back is pretty cool, but it is really too bad that it is Rajai Davis. I really like that it is hand numbered. These are actually tough pulls. Did you know that Bazooka backs are rarer than rip cards?

Oh, a hit from the lone pack of Update! I really love this set, so I was excited pull this. When I opened it, I didn't see a thick card, so I was really surprised when I got it. The picture on the actual card is blurry though. Way to go Topps!
All in all, it was a pretty good break. The best hit was easily the bazooka back mini card. In Allen and Ginter, I always do bad with the memorabelia cards, autographs, ect., but I do pull a lot of rare minis. It was nice to pull the extra jersey too out of the single pack. I would say this was my best of the 3 boxes of Allen and Ginter I have busted this year. Here are my "grades" for the box.
Base: A I like this years design. I also like the variety of athletes and other people in the set. This is the first set I have ever tried to complete, so you know it is a good set. I also like the short printed base and that makes it a more challenging set to put together. The only reason I am not giving it an A+ is because I don't like the horizontal cards too much.
Inserts: B+ I think that the ship inserts are cool, but other than that I could go without them. However, I do like the mini cards and variations. I have done very well in the mini department over the years. My only problem with the mini cards is I don't like the mini inserts. I would much rather have my mini be a player.
Hits: C+ Unless you get lucky, you are going to get 3 crappy jersey cards. This product does have potential for nice hits though with rip cards, book cards, and unique autos. I also love that the printing plates are framed. Silk cards are also nice bonus hits.
Thrill Factor: B- It is 24 packs with 3 hits, not to thrilling. Especially when these hits are 1 color jersey cards. I would like to se some patch cards in this product, and maybe some serial numbered base variations.
Packaging: A+ The box is really nice, and that package design is nice. I also am a sucker for box toppers.
Overall: B+ There are some nice cards in this product, but I think it is more of a set collectors product. This is not a product for people looking for big hits. It is fun to break, but more often then not, you will end up with 3 crappy jersey cards.