BP Jersey

Alternate Jersey

Away Jersey

Home Jersey

BP Hat

Away Hat

Home Hat

Thoughts and Opinions:
-I like the orange hat and jersey the best.
-I am not a fan of the home and away jerseys.
-The jerseys aren't gramatically correct (plural of Marlin is Marlin, not Marlins) (no, I'm not an English teacher).
-I don't understand why they changed their name, colors, ect. They are still in Florida after all.
-The logo doesn't really scream Marlins to me. If you squint, it kind of almost looks like a rainbow fish.
-They are a little to Rainbowey. They look like a minor league team's uniform/ colors.
-"To me its like a Mini Cooper. I think they are cool as hell, but I would never be caught dead in one"- Beckett.com Member
Now that I've shared my thoughts and opinions, I would like to here yours. Please coment below with you thoughts and opinions of the new Miami Marlins, and I will add them to a later post of readers opinions. Also, comment if you like them or not and I will tally the total to see if people generally like them or dislike them.
Meh...The Mini Cooper comment pretty much sums it up for me...